by Alison Davis | Sep 8, 2021 | Stories, Stories from OneNature
Some of you may recall from our previous blog post that OneNature worked with the World Federation for Animals (WFA) and other partners on a position paper which outlined specific recommendations on how to improve the first draft of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity...
by Alison Davis | Sep 1, 2021 | Stories, Stories from OneNature
The World Federation for Animals (WFA) is a membership organization for animal protection groups, an organization with which OneNature is proud to be affiliated. Their mission, well-aligned with ours, is to improve the well-being of all animals and end suffering that...
by Alison Davis | Aug 25, 2021 | Stories, Stories from OneNature
Have you eaten yet today? Yes? Well, you can thank pollinators for at least one out of every three bites that you took. Or maybe you’re the type of person to skip breakfast. Did you have a cup of coffee, or perhaps tea? Pollinators were responsible for that, too....
by Beth Allgood | Aug 23, 2021 | Stories, Stories from OneNature
Join OneNature Founder and President Beth Allgood on Thursday, September 16th at 7pm as she shares her perspective on how we can create a future where the well-being of all beings is secured. She will be discussing how value measurements can help us to better...
by Alison Davis | Aug 18, 2021 | Stories, Stories from OneNature
Animal adoptions, especially for dogs, increased significantly during the first several months of the pandemic. Many people were overcome with boredom during lockdown and sought the routine that comes with caring for an animal that requires food and exercise. Others...
by One Nature | Aug 12, 2021 | Stories, Stories from OneNature
Guest blog post by Meg Gisonda Days of awareness are an excellent reminder for all of us to educate ourselves on various issues, both historical and ongoing, that affect people and animals around the world. Monday was International Day of the World’s Indigenous...