
The Importance of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework

The Importance of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework

Image credit: David Troeger via Unsplash   The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework is a global plan to conserve, protect, and restore biodiversity and ecosystems over the next decade. The first draft was released back in July 2021, but this framework has been in the making since February...

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Staring the New Year with a new vision

Staring the New Year with a new vision

Photo credit: Lisa H via Unsplash As we take stock of the social, environmental, and economic crises in the world today, it is clear that our current way of life and the systems we have built to sustain it are inequitable, unsustainable, and economically precarious. We are in the midst of a global...

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Why Happiness is Good for the Planet

Why Happiness is Good for the Planet

Photo Credit: Annie Spratt via Unsplash When scientists and activists encourage the public to protect the environment in any way they can, what does that mean to you? Perhaps it means bringing reusable bags to the grocery store, recycling plastic, or donating your unwanted clothes. But what if I...

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Giving Thanks for our OneNature community!

Giving Thanks for our OneNature community!

Photo credit: Douglas Bolt Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the United States, and at OneNature, we have so much to be grateful for this holiday season.  We know (and research backs it up!) that reflecting on gratitude increases our well-being. In fact, a regular gratitude practice is one of the most...

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Meet our Advisory Council!

OneNature is thrilled to announce the launch of our new Advisory Council today! We welcome these 9 Advisory Council members to the OneNature family. These talented and visionary people are providing OneNature with strategic advice, professional expertise, and personal passion for advancing the...

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Youth for Climate Action

Youth for Climate Action

As the Climate COP in Glasgow continues into its second week, it is a good time to reflect on the role and success of youth in moving the global conservation around climate change forward.  World leaders have tended to dismiss youth climate activists, yet in the past several years youth-led...

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What is COP26 and Why is it Important?

What is COP26 and Why is it Important?

The Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP) summit brings parties together to discuss and take action towards the goals of both the Paris Agreement and the UN Convention on Climate Change. COP is held each year for about two weeks but was canceled in 2020 due to COVID-19. This year, the...

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Personal Stories of Love, Connection, and Happiness

Personal Stories of Love, Connection, and Happiness

With today’s blog post, we will be concluding our October series on the connection between animals and mental health. In the first three blog pieces, we covered what information we know on this topic from abundant scientific research on companion animals and human happiness, what less abundant...

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Buckminster Fuller

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”