Happy Bee-lated World Honey Bee Day
Have you eaten yet today? Yes? Well, you can thank pollinators for at least one out of every three bites that you took. Or maybe you’re the type of person to skip breakfast. Did you have a cup of coffee, or perhaps tea? Pollinators were responsible for that, too. Although there are many different...
EVENT INVITATION: Well-being for all beings: what it is and why it matters
Join OneNature Founder and President Beth Allgood on Thursday, September 16th at 7pm as she shares her perspective on how we can create a future where the well-being of all beings is secured. She will be discussing how value measurements can help us to better understand the benefits that humans...
How Rescuing Homeless Animals Will Also Protect Wildlife
Animal adoptions, especially for dogs, increased significantly during the first several months of the pandemic. Many people were overcome with boredom during lockdown and sought the routine that comes with caring for an animal that requires food and exercise. Others were feeling depression or...
Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples: Calling for a New Social Contract
Guest blog post by Meg Gisonda Days of awareness are an excellent reminder for all of us to educate ourselves on various issues, both historical and ongoing, that affect people and animals around the world. Monday was International Day of the World's Indigenous People, and the UN named the theme...
Nature Empowers Us to Be Happier
Mental health came to the forefront of international conversation this past week after US gymnast Simone Biles announced that she would not be competing in her planned Olympic events due to reasons of mental health. The response to her decision, while generally in her favor, was swift and extreme...
Improving the World for All Beings, One Action at a Time
Biodiversity loss, along with its twin crisis of climate change, can oftentimes seem too overwhelming to solve on a generational level, much less on an individual one. This is especially true considering the vast majority of pollution and habitat degradation is caused on a massive scale by major...
OneNature and the Well-being Economy
OneNature believes that in order to improve the well-being of all, we must move away from an emphasis on the “growth of the economy” as a goal and towards the “growth of well-being” as a goal. With this important shift, we can better prioritize and measure the impacts of policies and practices on...
Rooting for Mangroves: A Conversation with Well Beings Charity
Mangrove forests are among the most undervalued habitats in terms of their importance to wildlife as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation. These coastal trees and shrubs with high roots are unique in their ability to survive in saltwater and they can be found in over 100 countries...
Where next for wildlife conservation, ecotourism, & community well-being?
OneNature President, Beth Allgood, was recently a guest blogger for The Good Tourism blog. “Where next for wildlife conservation, ecotourism, & community well-being?” explores the vital role of well-being in tourism and wildlife conservation. Thank you to the Good Tourism blog for inviting us...
Valuing Nature is Fundamental to our Pursuit of Happiness
The Fourth of July is next week, making this the perfect time to reflect on the framing and evolution of our identity as a nation. The Declaration of Independence famously promises that every person has the right to “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Most people reading this today...
Water for Elephants: How Nature Helps to Combat Desertification
The summer season was kicked off last week with World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought. This seems especially relevant in 2021, as the United States was just hit with a brutal heatwave in the southwest region, and we are expecting another heatwave that will likely target northern...
Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Well-being are Linked
Last week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) released a joint workshop report about the many connections between biodiversity and climate change. This report is the result of the first ever joint...
Happiness and the Oceans
On June 8th, World Oceans Day, the conservation spotlight turns to the oceans. We hear stories and see new data about the threats to oceans. There is no question that the oceans and marine life are under threat. Of course, these risks to ocean habitats and species also undermine human well-being...
Celebrating World Environment Day with a New Partnership for Wildlife Centered Tourism and Well-being
To celebrate and commemorate World Environment Day on June 5th, we are happy to announce a new partnership with Planet Happiness, a project of the Happiness Alliance, that focuses on the interconnection between human well-being and wildlife centered tourism. At OneNature, we believe we must value...
Our Connection to the Moon
Photo Credit: Muratart / Shutterstock Did you catch the lunar eclipse early this morning? Visible from much of North America, the moon was covered by the Earth’s blood-red shadow in an event called the Super Blood Moon lunar eclipse. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon, Earth and sun are...