In a world grappling with the dual crises of economic disparity and environmental degradation, a recent survey by Earth4All and its partners has revealed a significant shift in public sentiment. Across 17 G20 countries, a resounding 68% of respondents agree that prioritizing the health and wellbeing of people and nature should take precedence over profit and increasing wealth. This landmark finding aligns closely with the mission of OneNature, underscoring the growing global recognition of the need for a comprehensive approach to well-being that encompasses both humans, animals, and the environment.

Key Survey Findings

The Earth4All survey, conducted by Ipsos, highlights several critical insights:

  1. Wealth Tax Support: A majority (68%) of adults across 17 G20 countries support higher taxes on the wealthy to fund transformative changes in our economies and lifestyles. This sentiment is particularly strong in countries like Indonesia (86%), Turkey (78%), and the UK (77%).
  2. Climate Action Urgency: 71% of respondents believe immediate action is necessary within the next decade to reduce carbon emissions and protect nature. This urgency is most pronounced in Mexico (91%), South Africa (83%), and Brazil (81%).
  3. Economic and Political Reform: Two-thirds (68%) of those surveyed advocate for an economy that prioritizes well-being over profit. Additionally, 62% believe that a country’s economic success should be measured by the health and well-being of its citizens, not just economic growth.
  4. Trust in Government: Trust in government is notably low, with only 39% of respondents believing their government can be trusted to make decisions for the majority’s benefit. This distrust underscores the demand for systemic reforms.

OneNature’s Mission: Aligning with Global Sentiments

OneNature’s mission has always been centered around the belief that true prosperity comes from the harmonious coexistence of people and nature. The survey’s findings resonate deeply with our initiatives:

Our Wild Happiness Projects are designed to help communities develop and implement programs that promote well-being in conservation. By fostering a connection between people and nature, we create sustainable and culturally appropriate solutions that improve the quality of life for all beings. The survey’s emphasis on economic reform aligns with our efforts to provide a framework for organizations, donors, and policymakers to assess and improve their impact on well-being, ensuring that conservation efforts benefit both people and the environment. Our work to inspire cultural and spiritual connections to nature and wildlife aligns with the survey’s finding that people believe in prioritizing well-being and taking immediate action to protect our planet.

The Path Forward

The survey results present a clear mandate: people worldwide are calling for a fundamental shift in how we approach economic and environmental policies. This shift towards prioritizing well-being over profit is not just a trend but a necessity for the future stability of our planet. Owen Gaffney, co-lead of the Earth4All initiative, emphasizes this point: “The message to politicians could not be clearer. The vast majority of people we surveyed in the world’s largest economies believe major immediate action is needed this decade to tackle climate change and protect nature. At the same time, many feel the economy is not working for them and want political and economic reform.”

At OneNature, we are inspired by this global call to action. Our programs are designed to support communities and create the evidence base for wellbeing in conservation. By integrating the latest scientific research and evidence, we ensure that our initiatives are effective, sustainable, and culturally appropriate.

We believe that by working together, we can create a world where everyone lives a happy and healthy life in harmony with nature. The Earth4All survey results reaffirm our commitment to this mission and highlight the urgency of our work.

As we continue to develop and promote our programs, we invite you to join us in this vital journey. Together, we can ensure that the well-being of people and the planet is at the heart of all our efforts.


Image by: MARIOLA GROBELSKA via Unsplash. 
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